Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Travel Writing

In class, I had to go to one place three times and write about my experience. This is what I came up with:

Giorno Uno

You know when you go somewhere and a romance randomly develops? Today, I walked into something, quite literally. It was love at first sight, the market and I. Our eyes met across Via di Macci, and we have been in love ever since.

I won't speak of the swirling colors, the hustle and bustle of Italians, and the constant contrast of sweet fruit and crisp vegetables that mix in the air. Though I find these all here, I fear you as my diary will yawn, and the unexpected is what keeps things interesting.

Giorno Due

I’ve realized that there is this relationship Italians have with their food. In America, we have one night stands. We're just down for a quick something, then push it out of our brains as soon as humanly possible. Here, its different. Here, there is a romance. There might have been many romances, affairs and such; nobody is perfect. But there seems to be a connection, not just physicality. That might be reason as to why I appreciate the market so much. It’s refreshing.

I wonder how the market sees me not just how I see the market. Sometimes, the market shows me something new, something disgusting, something different, but do I ever give it something to marvel at? Am I just another exchange student who speaks a little broken Italian to the venders looking for that perfect meal? This is probably so. I mean the market must be getting offers all the time, probably from students who speak even better Italian. I'll admit my jealousy. I will try to trust you, diary, just please do not go spilling my business to every book on the shelf.

Anyway, I myself have seen many markets in my day. I've also heard some rumors about its love for all Italians, and more importantly their wallets. What gold diggers. I’ll keep my guard up, but I mean I am willing to give this place a chance, that is if I get such an opportunity.

I don't want to force a connection that isn't there, but I hope something will happen before I go back to power walking through Shoprite on the regular, cheating with Wegmans, and lets not forget my affair with Delicious Orchards. We all have messy pasts; I hope the market can overlook mine.

Giorno Tre

Today was one of those days. As I walked through the aisles, and saw chopped heads, cow brains, pictures of cute furry rabbits then next to it some not so furry not so cute rabbits. I mean, everyone shows their true colors eventually. I'm just happy that I saw these aspects of the market's personality early on, and now three months down the road. I think that would have hit me harder then. I’ve learned to take it for what it is.

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