I was talking to one of my friends I met in Italy who said that for pizza, the cheaper it is the better it is. Italians do that because Americans think that the more expensive something is, the better it is. It is cheap to use ingredients from the area thus they are more fresh, etc. etc. (I could talk forever about the complexities of pizza and how in is intertwined into Italian lifestyle, but it is very late, and I have had a long day. maybe another time...)
I was thinking the same concept could be applied to gelato. There is a place by the baptistry of the Duomo that had a small gelato for two euros. Usually, I have been going to the same place, toward the back of the Duomo on my way to my apartment building, but a small is 2,50. REALIZATION: cheap pizza = delicious for your mouth and wallet. cheap gelato GROSS.
the end.
best one yet. LOLZ - finnface <3